Monday, November 01, 2004

Things I suggest for this week....

1) Go vote on Tuesday, November 2nd. Oh! And vote for Bush/Cheney. Locally, vote for Pat George and Van Hampton. I don't care what you think, just do as you are told and vote for these people.

2) Sit down.

3) Shut up.

Finally, and most important of all,

4) Ignore almost everything I tell you. I am a biased old codger who will try to sway you to my beliefs if you listen with an open mind!

Got to get everything ready for Thursday night's meeting of "Wild Women Never Get the Blues". This is going to be an interesting venture - one that may get to be crazy as time goes by, but also one that I think will leave us all very proud in the end. Ask me about it when you see me next.


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