All the news that's fit to print - even some that may not be!
A couple of busy days trying to get things done for TOF and other projects. Have yet to get time to install the new coil in the MG so it still waits for me. Carolyn has been in the hospital since Monday night with infection in her leg. I hope she'll get to come home in another day or two. Then all I have to do is figure out how to keep her off that leg until she's fully healed! Not easy to do as she hates to be sick. Abbey and Chloe are still trying to figure out where she is.
Had a phone call last night from a Todd Langrille of Zoom Communications in Calgary. Looks like we will be doing something along the lines of a Wyatt Earp travelog/documentary from a motorcyclist view point. They are hoping to be here early November to film some bits. Should be good for Dodge City and I'll try to spin the Depot Theater into the mix along with the Dodge City Trail of Fame and Boot Hill. Should be a lot of fun!
Joke for today:
Then there was the dyslexic ACLU lawyer who wanted to eliminate our second amendment right to "arm bears".
Thought for the day:
"I don't understand..."
C'mon, Jim. Have your EVER thought that in your life? Or admitted that you have? I call bulls**t!
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