Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Thanks and no thanks....

First, thanks to "The Seth" for including my Blog in is Blogroll. Amazingly enough, a few people actually read some of the drivel I've written so far! Today/tonight, however, is a bummer. I am really tired on this next to last midnight shift and I'm going to get out of here on annual leave a little early this morning and try to get caught up on rest. I need to get up today soon enough to get some errands run as I'm almost outta food! One of the things that kept me up yesterday was messing with MS Front Page (which I've never used before) to create the raw beginnings of a web site for the MG. You can view it HERE.

While I was messing around yesterday I listened to the news on TV. Yeah, Yeah....I know! Ready made depression. Anyway, the Liberals were still whimpering about the useless "assault weapons ban" expiring... as if they knew anything about assault weapons. Of course, Kerry was already accusing Bush of murdering women and little children by not doing anything about the ban expiration - never mind that most of the Democrats with even half a brain have long since figured out that the bill had done little or no good anyway as it was far to weak and watered down. Fox did the fair and balanced thing and brought on a proponent of renewing the ban as well as Wayne LaPierre (sp?) from the NRA. After the whiner finished, Mr. LaPierre assured the interviewer that the ban had been worthless to begin and that the NRA would certainly have supported a bill which would have addressed the problem. I pulled my NRA card out of my wallet and looked. Yup. I'm still on board and Wayne is a pretty darn good representative of my views. I'm a gun owner. A responsible one. I haven't murdered anyones mother or babies in many years now... but at the rate some of these bleeding heart Liberals are going..................

Anyway, Kerry came off looking like an ignorant Bozo on the gun issue too, so I imagine he'll be hard pressed to gain any ground on Bush there either. He might have had a chance if he hadn't dragged Vietnam into everything. In my experience when someone screams that loudly about unfair criticism and wounded pride, they are usually trying desparately to cover up something dirty down below. What's more, who would leave their combat outfit 8 months before their tour was up unless they absolutely couldn't help their buddies fight any more? Nobody I ever knew in my 13 years of military service would have left after only 4 months of a one year tour knowing their buddies were still there fighting. You'd have had to tie most of them up and carry them to get them away from their unit. Too much about Kerry reeks of lies, deceit and self-agrandizment.

Rehearsal went by in a flash last night. I do enjoy that bunch of people so!


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