Saturday, April 16, 2005

And the end approaches......

What an incredible mess the National Weather Service has created with high resolution gridded, digital forecasts! The majority of our new forecasters are dependent on the output of computer numerical models to make a forecast. Couple that dependency with the "picture" forecasts produced by the present software being used and you get an obsession with forecast details beyond the capability of the science of meteorology. It's as bad as the old "street level" radar nonsense of the early '90s. Just because you can look and reproduce graphics at that resolution, does *NOT* mean you have any skill at predictions on those scales. Most especially when you extend that prediction days into the future at that resolution!

I thought I had seen the limits of idiocy among these people, but today takes the cake! I was informed by a forecaster at another office (GID) that their office policy (obviously put in place by a manager with no understanding of the science who is following PC guidelines from above) is to be sure that all the "colors blend" between their grids and those of their neighbors. In the words of Mark Twain, "I may say that I was never so confounded before!". The collaboration via "chat" sums up the whole incident Here.

The National Weather Service is headed straight for the toilet and this incredible nonsense is why. We have turned from scientists into a group of interior decorators who are mixing and matching colors. "Queer Eye for the Grids Guy".....


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