What's Good for Dodge City...
There is a city wide election on Tuesday with a number of issues on it. I'm not sure how I will vote on a couple of them, but I know I will vote "Yes" to build the proposed special events center in Wright Park. This issue has been highjacked for too long by the most negative and coarse elements of our local society. I have listened to actual cursing and name calling by those opposed to the Wright Park location. It is absolutely amazing and absolutely disgusting at the same time.
Over the past 10 years that I know of, we (the tax payer) have footed the bill for 4 different and entirely independent consultancies to study the proposed project and provide us with information as to where the special events center should be located and what it should consist of in order to realize the best economic development for Dodge City. All four consultants recommended locating the project in the "core" area of Dodge City. Additionally, I have voted in two elections already for this project. It seems that some people in city and county government don't like what the electorate has told them, so we have to keep voting again and again (apparently until things turn out the way those few people want it to!). Unless I missed something in school, that isn't democracy. The majority have had their say several times now, but the minority doesn't seem to want to accept it! This is an incredible mess. If I had the money, I'd file a lawsuit against the city and county for not following the wishes of the electorate on the first two votes!! I wonder of the ACLU would take this case. I think I'll try to contact them and see.
In the meantime, I will (once again) vote for the special events center to be located in the "core" area of Dodge City. Somehow we have to wrestle control of our future from the hands of the people who have no vision and who are against everything progressive. Somehow we have to get excited about Dodge City once again instead of being totally negative about everything our wonderful community has to offer.
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