Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Once a month - need it or not!

Well, I've got this down to about once a month for my blog and I'm so proud of that (right!).

Since we last met, dear reader, the Wild Women Never Get The Blues show did it's first weekend and was at least moderately successful. For that I am grateful, but the majority of the credit really goes to the 6 cast members and the 5 band members who took my ideas to the next level. We may even do the show again after Nunsense closes!

Now down to the nitty gritty....

There are far too many people around me who are so wrapped up in the minutia of their daily lives that they have long since lost sight of what is really important. Around 150,000 of our young people are changing the world by laying their lives on the line. THAT is the bottom line.

As I listen to people obsess over Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, Viagra, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Liberals, the Conservatives, and on and on... I begin to wonder if it ever occurs to these people that we are witnessing an incredible turn of events in world history. Around 150,000 of our young people are changing the world by laying their lives on the line.

Was it ever thus? Have people always been too myopic to grasp really historically significant events? Are people really that self centered? Around 150,000 of our young people are changing the world by laying their lives on the line.

It is just possible that 20 or 30 years from now, when the present becomes the past, historians will point to what our young people are now doing in the middle and far east as a true epiphany in world history. It is just possible that even those who profess their hatred for BushII today will have to grudginly admit that though they may have disagreed with the methodology, the results speak for themselves. He *did*, in fact, know exactly what needed to be done to stem the rising tide of terror in the world. And better yet, he ignored the moaners and nay sayers and actually did it!

Around 150,000 of our young people are changing the world by laying their lives on the line. How will you help?


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