What the heck is going on here??!!
So we have elected a president. I had hoped that would be the end of it, but very much like 2001 people who supported the losing side remain polarized with a vehement hatred for the winning side. There seems to be no middle ground for them. Of course, I can afford to examine middle ground issues since my candidate won. Nevertheless, I remain astonded at the attitude of the losing side.
I understand what it is like to have your candidate lose. Been there - done that. I did not like the administrations under Johnson, Carter and Clinton. But there is a huge difference between not liking the election results and the elected individual, and the type of pure hatred I see and hear from the losing side today. I've never seen democrats, liberal or otherwise, so upset.
There is no denying the past several elections have been very close but is that a reason to hate the winners and the people who voted for them? It is a given that the media and the public will poke fun at any current administration. That has been going on since the American Revolution. Just look at the political cartoons. However, the rancour against the present administration is totally overboard. It is not poking fun, it is vicious, libilous slander - or even worse. The losers have compared the president to Hilter, announced that the National Security Advisor is "Aunt Jimima", and the Secretary of State an "Uncle Tom".
Why is this happening? The losers would have you believe that the present administration did things (exactly what they can't pin-point) which caused this horrible rift in our society and use that as justification for their hatred. I've seen a lot of things come out of our seat of power that I didn't like during my lifetime, but have never felt compeled to "hate" the president or other members of the administration because of it. I have never stooped to name calling and racial smears. I have never suggested that the president is an idiot even if I did disagree with him.
If I were to do or say the things the losers now are doing and saying, I would rightfully be called a bigot, a racist, and totally intolerant of my fellow humans. Please, people.... Get over it! Deal with it! Losing is part of life. It won't kill you. It won't destroy civilization as we know it. It won't even be remembered 50 years from now unless you do something violent and silly in the name of hatred.
Surely, if I could deal with Johnson, Carter and Clinton without resorting to hatred and name calling, you can deal with Bush. I don't care if you dislike him and his administration. That's part of the game. Vehement hatred, on the other hand is nasty and destructive. It helps no one and no thing. All it does is tear down society.
It is *YOU* and not Bush or his administration that created the rift in our society. And hatred was your tool of choice.
There. I feel much better now......
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