Morons and Militia....
Once again a group of narrow minded, myopic, morons have scuttled Dodge City's best chance to improve it's economy and save it's history. They did so by focusing their strongly negative attitude about our city and running what turned out to be a successful campaign to defeat last Tuesday's proposition to build a special events center in Wright Park. To accomplish this feat they employed a substantial collection of lies, deceit and half truths cloked in the guise of informative assistance to the electorate. Bless them. We will remind them what they did when things get ugly in the future.
Fortunately, the Dodge City Trail of Fame can move on without any help from people who apparently want to see Dodge City's core rot and die. It will just be a lot harder now to attain our stated goal of saving the Old Dodge City Historic District.
In world affairs, I'm concerned that our European allies and the UN are not taking the threat of Hezbollah nearly as seriously as they should insofar as Lebanon is concerned. The idea that Syria is somehow running the show there is absurd. Hezbollah is running the show, just as it is running things in Syria and most probably in Tehran as well.
We seem to have greatly hampered Al Queda around the globe even though the organization is far from extinct. What are we to do about Hezbollah? There are still large numbers of people in the world who seem to think that all we need do is talk nicely and negotiate with groups like Hezbollah and everyone will walk away blissfully happy. That scares me, as nothing could be farther from the truth. Hezbollah is another muslim fundimentalist group which, though perhaps not an Al Queda today, is only a hair's breadth away from being one tomorrow. They have no intention of giving Lebanon to the Lebanese people (or Syria or Iran to the Syrians and Iranians, for that matter). The rest of the world must present a strong and united front against them or we will all pay the price.
iranians, not iranis.
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