Friday, December 02, 2005

He lives!!!

Yes, I'm still around. It's been a long time - 4 1/2 months since my last blog post and so much has been going on that I have had other priorities than the blog. Well, now I appear to be at least semi caught up so have time to post a few thoughts.

    Controlling the Boarders:
Let's do it the way they used to! Muskets, barge poles, blunderbus and cutlasses!! Avast, me hardies!! Man the bilge pumps and full speed ahead! Stand by to repel boarders!!

Huh? What? Not that kind of boarders?? oh... nevermind...

    New Word Definitions:
Liar: n. li-ar: 1) One who tells lies. [Recently added definitions:] 2) One who takes decisive action based upon possibly inaccurate or faulty information. 3) Anyone named George W. Bush.

n. 1) Any of various tropical Old World lizards of the family Chamaeleonidae, characterized by their ability to change color. 2) Any of various midlatitude liberal politicians named Clinton, Kerry or Kennedy, characterized by their ability to change positions at the drop of a hat.

Oh... And here's my most recent shot at motivating Dodge Citians in a useful direction rather than their typical mode of foot shooting....

At the recent visioning meeting held at the Civic Center, when asked
to identify Dodge City's single greatest asset, the overwhelming majority
of the participants cited our name recognition and history. They cited
it by more than 6 to one over any other identified asset.

We now have a considerable amount of money in the "Why Not Dodge"
fund which is required to be used to "enhance our economy and provide
entertainment". In the absence of a special events center, this money
should be dedicated to taking advantage of that 'single greatest asset'.
It should be used to assist in funding projects which will bring tourists
and their money to Dodge City from across the globe. We have to think
a whole lot bigger than the projects currently under discussion - a water
park and/or jail. Neither of those projects takes advantage of our name
recognition or history.

This community should establish a Western Heritage Cultural Center. A
facility which can be used as a combination of many things including (but
certainly not limited to) a Western Heritage Museum, Western Living
History, a Dude Ranch Cattle Drive, a Western Arts Center, a Cowboy
Cultural Center, a Rodeo Center/Museum, Western Convention
Center...etc. etc. etc.

Such a center would draw tourists to Dodge City from all over the world
infusing money into the local economy as well as providing entertainment.
A number of influential people from Hollywood and elsewhere have already
expressed excitement over this idea. Some have agreed to serve on an
advisory board of such an organization.

Remember, no one in Waltham, MA is going to plan a week's vacation
in Dodge City to savour the old west flavor of a water park or jail. No
money is going to come into the local economy from those projects. In
fact, they will probably end up costing us money in the long run as they
require maintanence and upkeep among other expenses.

How do we get something like this started? First we have to convince our
commissioners that it is the best use of the "Why Not Dodge" funds. Next,
we start small and work up. We buy the old Robinson Furniture building
in the historic district and start the Western Heritage Cultural Center there.
Later, as the tourism increase brought about by the center brings in more
money to the city, we build a new complex colocated with the historic
district with an old west flavored facade. The details can be worked out
as we go along, but we must get started soon or we will lose the
opportunity that the "Why Not Dodge" funds provide. Talk to your
commisioners. You can help make this a reality for our community.


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