The Blame Game as played in Europe...
I recently watched a very illuminating National Geographic Worldview program titled, “Does Europe hate the US”? Having friends in Europe with whom I correspond fairly often I wasn’t very surprised by the perceptions of the Europeans who were interviewed. However, this was the first time I had really put two and two together on this subject.
The investigative reporter came to the conclusion that Europe is essentially mooching off of the United States since the fall of communism. That is to say, they (collectively) feel that they don’t have to worry about protecting themselves from aggressors or fanatical ideologues because “good ol’” America is doing it for them. The US is spending all that money on defense leaving our European friends(?) to provide much more extensive social services for their people with the money they would otherwise have to spend on their defense. Furthermore, their increasingly liberal, socialistic trend is a result of their singular concentration on social services. As a result, it is hardly surprising that, without their even realizing it, a huge Middle Eastern population explosion has taken place across Europe.
Incredibly, most of the youngsters interviewed (and my personal contacts confirm that the majority of the younger generations who have not known war feel this way) claimed that while they really loved America (and, incidentally, American clothes, music, cars, food, stores, pizza….ad nauseam), they felt that they should be the ones to determine whether some other country represents a world threat, and then how the US should respond to such a threat. Furthermore, many of them complain that since 9/11 American immigration rules have become so restrictive that they can no longer enter *their* America whenever they want to and do whatever they want if they do get in.
The overwhelming majority of the Muslim, fundamentalist, Jihadists who wish to destroy western civilization (and whom we know now to be responsible for the attack of 9/11 among others), are of Middle Eastern decent. While our European friends(?) complain about our restrictive immigration policies, they have turned a blind eye to the flood of middle easterners in their own countries. The train bombings in Madrid and London, and the race riots across France are the result of their blindness. I doubt that many of them even realize it!
Fine. Let them continue to sit around in denial of reality and blame the US for their ills. It won't be very much longer before Middle East oil money takes over their countries bringing more Muslim, fundamentalism Jihadists with it. It is even more amusing to see that since they love all our American "stuff", they don't really want to upset us so much that we take it away from them, so they conveniently place their very vocal "blame" for all of this on one person. "President George W. Bush", the "great satan" who has taken *their* America away from them and set it on the destructive path of war!
It is hard to comprehend the arrogance of these people. People who are perfectly willing to allow the US to take care of all the dirty laundry of the world, but *only* when directed to do so by them. People who expect the US, as the strongest nation in the free world, to provide protection but who think that the US should consult them (presumably because they are so much smarter and wiser in the ways of the world) before doing things like regulating our own borders or distributing our money as foreign aid.
I, for one, have had it with their arrogance. I suppose, as we have done in WWI and WWII, we will some day have to step in and straighten out the mess their inattentiveness to reality has once again created. In the meantime, I suggest that we forget foreign relations etiquette and let them know what *we* think *they* are doing wrong instead of sitting politely by and listening to their arrogant drivel and general condemnation of what we as a country do in the world.
What do you think?